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Ergonmics Session

Physiotheraphy Session

Physio Workshops

Rehabiliation Program


Your employees needs


The objective is to raise the employee awareness of proper ergonomic technique and provide them with the knowledge to optimize their setup.

Training Programs

from move fit

workplace ergonomics

By measuring work demands, Move Fit can help you determine if changes to the work are necessary and, if so, how much change is required to be within acceptable limits. Job requirements may be measured on-site using a variety of ergonomics tools including (e.g., heart rate, body temperature, muscle effort) to establish safe levels of work exposure based on physiological, biomechanical and anthropometric job demands. 

Group Seminars

Designed for office workers, Move Fit’s Ergonomics Training contains general information about workstation ergonomics, common ergonomic risks, and proper identification and assessment methods, all of which can help them mitigate risks of long-term musculoskeletal injuries and chronic pain.

Office Ergonomics

Office Ergonomics highlights ergonomic risk factors and various solutions that can help prevent long-term injuries and chronic illnesses. Training covers specific topics such as musculoskeletal disorders and injuries, risk identification process, injury prevention, and physical work performance. 

Ergonomics for Manufacturing

Workers in the manufacturing industry frequently perform repetitive tasks like lifting, leaning, assembling, pulling, bending, twisting, and hunching. If done continuously without a proper understanding of ergonomics, these tasks can become highly strenuous, ultimately taking a heavy toll on their physical health.

Ergonomics for Retail

Retail work can be very physically demanding as it usually requires employees to lift heavy materials, stand for long periods of time, and do tasks repetitively. All of these risk factors combined can cause serious musculoskeletal disorders like back injuries, tendonitis, rotator cuff injuries, muscle strain, and many others. 

Ergonomic Program

The format of this program includes an instructor led interactive session running between 45 min to 1 hour in length. Prior to the session the ergonomist would walk through the facility to become familiar with the environment, setups and equipment in use at the site. The training session would potentially utilize a workstation, chairs and accessories from the company’s office to demonstrate proper setup.

Upon completion of the session, employees will be able to:

  • Minimize ergonomic-related risks through proper work techniques.
  • Minimize ergonomic-related risks through workplace adjustments or changes.
  • Actively participate in the organization’s ergonomic efforts.
  • Recognize ergonomics opportunities within their office setting. 

Employee Awareness

The ergonomic awareness session provides employees with the knowledge they need to optimize their work methods, improve physical technique, and effectively participate in the sites ergonomics efforts. The training will be interactive and include several demonstrations of “good” vs. “poor” technique. Biofeedback demonstrations may be used to illustrate techniques for minimize upper extremity and lower back stress

Awareness Training Session Agenda

Introduction to Ergonomics  Employee roles and responsibilities  Simple anatomy and biomechanics of the human body  Controlling ergonomic-related risk factors in the office environment  Recognizing contributing factors from the home environment  Setting up an ergonomically correct workstation  Examining workplace examples

We can also customize the programs according to the situation of the work environment and the nature of the employees job

Our Consulting Services


Our first step is to simply become immersed in your organizations’ current needs and challenges. Together, we engage key stakeholders, elevate awareness of best practices and outline a framework for the implementation of a sustainable ergonomics program.


Next, we investigate key areas or concern. Our team of board certified ergonomists will document and analyze site trends, evaluate existing design standards and review your current program. From there, we will work a cost effective strategy to reduce risk and improve employee comfort and health.


Successful action plans require realistic program objectives and timelines. Together we formulate an approach by defining short and long-term goals, leveraging available resources and outlining stakeholder responsibilities.


Employee training, assessment, and workstation enhancement form the core of our implementation process. Interactive group training sessions and individualized assessments elevate awareness of proper configuration, improve posture, and reduce employee discomfort.


In an effort to gauge the effectiveness of specific program components, we track and analyze a variety of data sets and performance indicators. This process enables our team to make informed program suggestions that will lead to further process improvements.


Program maintenance is critical for continued success. In this phase, our team is a resource for recurring training, assessment support and program guidance. As your organization shifts employees between facilities or acquires additional facilities, we work to ensure that consistent workstation design and training strategies are implemented throughout.


“Sankarpandy has exceeded our expectations through his wonderful training sessions and recommendations for our workstations in terms of seating and steps to follow to prevent from the back injuries and sprain. We will recommend his sesssion”

Taranjit Singh

“We have been constantly seeking support from the movement therapist Sankarpandy who were able to understand our problems and provide the right solutions that helpes our employees to overcome the Ergonomic challenges”

Prashanth Jain



move fit


E102, IRIS Court, Mahindra World City, Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu, 603002.

We Work

Monday-Friday: 9am – 6pm

Saturday: 10am – 5pm

Sunday: Holiday

For Personal Training